
Class - 9th Aus Edu Subjects
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Framing an Algebraic Expression

- Monomial Expression

- Binomial Expression

- Trinomial Expression

- Like and Unlike Terms

- Finding Value of an Expression

- Addition of Algebraic Expression

- Subtraction of Algebraic Expression

- Multiplication of Monomials

- Multiplication of Binomial with a Monomial

- Multiplication of Binomials

- Division of Polynomial by a Monomial

- Degree of a Term

- Degree of a Polynomial


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Express as Rational Number

- Express in Exponential Form

- Law 1 Product of exponents

- Law 2 Division of Exponents

- Law 3 Inverse of Exponents

- Product of base when exponent is same


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Law 4 Power of Exponents

- Law 5 Zero Exponent

- Positive and Negative Integral Exponents

- Statement Sums Involving Exponent and Power

- Standard Form of Exponents and Power


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Ratio and Percentages

- Using OF Operator in Percentages

- Express the Fraction as Percentage

- Express Decimal as Percentage

- Express as Percentage

- Unitary Method In Percentages

- Percetage Increase or Decrease

- Percentage Increase or Decrease Using Multiplier

- Percentage Change

- Successive Percentage Change


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Profit and Loss in Rupees

- Profit and Loss Percent

- Finding Cost Price

- Finding Selling Price

- Discount and Discount Percentage

- Finding Marked Price and List Price

- Successive Discount

- Finding Tax


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Simple Interest

- Compound Interest Compounded Annually

- Compound Interest Different Rates

- Compound Interest Time in Fractions

- Compound Interest Half Yearly

- Compound Interest Quarterly

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest - Principal

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest - Rate

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest Time Period

- Problems on Population Growth

- Problems on Depreciation


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Direct Variation

- Inverse Variation


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Time and Work

- Direct Variation With Exponents

- Inverse Variation With Exponents


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Factorization into Monomials

- Identifying Quadratic Equations

- Factorization by Grouping of Terms

- Factorisation Using Square Identities

- Factorization by Middle Term Splitting


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Factors of Quadratic Equation

- Factorization by Completing the Square

- Statement sum Involing Quadratic Equations

- Solving Statements Involving Age

- Statement sums involving Coins

- Solving Statements For A Two Digit Number

- Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Multiplication of Polynomials

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 9th - Maths [Polynomial I]
Polynomial I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Integers

- Integers on Number Line

- Addition of Integers

- Subtraction Of Integers

- Absolute Value of an Integer


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Additive Inverse in Integers

- Multiplication Of Integers

- Division of Integers

- Simplification Using BODMAS

- Distributive Property of Integers

- Integers and Exponents


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Sum of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Square of difference of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Dfference of Square

- Algebraic Identity -3

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Trinomial


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Algebraic Identity -Cube of Sum of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity -Cube of Difference of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity- Conditional

- Factorization into Monomials

- Factorization by Grouping of Terms

- Factorization by Middle Term Splitting

- Factorisation Using Square Identities

- Factorisation Using Cubic Identities


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